National Domestic Violence Hotline / Linea Nacional sobre la Violencia Doméstica
Toll Free Phone: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) TTY: 1-800-787-3224
For advocacy, counseling and referral, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You will reach a trained advocate who can talk with you about your situation, your safety, and the options available to you. Friends and family members are also welcome to call for information. All conversations with hotline advocates are strictly confidential. Support available in English or Spanish with interpreters available for over 139 languages. Website:
Domestic Violence Resource Network:
- National Resource Center on Domestic Violence provides comprehensive information and resources, policy development and assistance to enhance community response to and prevention of domestic violence. NRCDV enhances the capacity of organizations and individuals working to end violence in the lives of women and their children and proactively supports the work of national, state, and local domestic violence programs. Toll Free Phone: (800) 537-2238 TTY: (800) 533-2508 Fax: (717) 545-9456 Website:
- Battered Women's Justice Project provides training, technical assistance, and other resources through a partnership of three organizations. Toll Free Phone: 800-903-0111. Website:
- Domestic Abuse Intervention Project - Criminal Justice. Addresses the criminal justice system's response to domestic violence including batterers' programs. Ext. 1
- The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence - Civil Justice. Addresses civil court access and legal representation issues. Ext.2
- National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women - Defense. Addresses battered women charged with crimes and members of their defense teams. Ext. 3
- Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence at the Family Violence Prevention Fund provides technical assistance, training, public policy form, and materials to those interested in developing a comprehensive health care response to domestic violence in all health care settings. Toll Free Phone: (888) Rx-ABUSE (792-2873) Fax: (415) 252-8991 Website:
- Resource Center on Domestic Violence: Child Protection & Custody provides access to the best possible source of information and tangible assistance to those working in the field of domestic violence and child protection and custody. In addition, the CPC identifies and develops model policies, protocols, and programs that are sensitive to the legal, cultural, and psychological dynamics of child protection and custody cases involving family violence. Toll Free Phone: (800) 527-3223 Fax: (775) 784-6160 Website:
- Sacred Circle: National Resource Center to End Violence Against Native Women provides technical assistance, policy development, training institutes, and resource information on ending domestic violence and sexual assault in American Indian / Alaska Native tribal communities. Operated by Cangleska, Inc., Sacred Circle aids tribes, tribal organizations and nations to stop violence against Native women. Toll Free Phone: (877) 733-7623 Fax: (605) 341-2472
Other Domestic Violence Organizations & Projects:
- Alianza (National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence / Alianza Latina Nacional para Erradicar la Violencia Doméstic) is "a group of nationally recognized Latina and Latino advocates, community activists, practitioners, researchers, and survivors of domestic violence working together to promote an understanding, sustain dialogue, and generate solutions to move toward the elimination of domestic violence affecting Latino communities, with an understanding of the sacredness of all relations and communities." Website:
- Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence works "to eliminate domestic violence in Asian and Pacific Islander communities by increasing awareness about the extent and depth of the problem; making culturally specific issues visible; strengthening community models of prevention and itnervention; identifying and expanding resources; informing and promoting research and policy; and deepening...understanding and analyses of the issues surrounding violence against women." Phone: 415-954-9988 ext. 315. Fax: 415-954-9999. Website:
- Family Violence Prevention Fund works to prevent violence within the home, and in the community, to help those whose lives are devastated by abuse by educating the public and improving institutions' response to domestic violence. Website:
- National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence provides training, consulting and advocacy at local, state, regional and national levels. NCDSV promotes a community collaboration model and collaborates with law enforcement, legal system agencies, advocacy organizations, social service agencies, the military and other community entities in their efforts to end domestic and sexual violence. Website:
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence serves as a national information and referral center for the general public, media, battered women and their children, allied and member agencies and organizations. Website:
- VAWnet: the National Electronic Network on Violence Against Women, is a project of NRCDV. VAWnet provides a comprehensive online collection of advocacy-based electronic resources on domestic violence, sexual violence, and related intersecting issues. Resources include applied research papers, policy and practice papers, federal and state funding information, prevention and public education materials, community advocacy materials and information about other national, state, regional and local organizations and programs. Website:
- Violence Against Women Online Resources (VAWOR) provides law, criminal justice, advocacy, and social service professionals with up-to-date information on interventions to stop violence against women through the Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse. Website:
- National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) is a project of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape. NSVRC provides resources (information, technical assistance, and materials) to national organizations, state sexual assault coalitions, community-based programs, allied organizations, and the public. NSVRC works to strengthen support systems serving sexual assault survivors, and to support the development of policy and practice that produce effective interventions for and prevention of sexual violence. Phone: (877)739-3895. Website:
- Stalking Resource Center (SRC) is a program of the National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC). SRC raises national awareness of stalking and encourages the development and implementation of multidisciplinary responses to stalking in local communities. SRC provides trainings, an information clearinghouse, a practitioners' network and a peer-to-peer exchange program. Toll Free Phone: 800-FYI-CALL (800-394-2255) TTY: 800-211-7996 Fax: 202-467-8701 Website:
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